Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2
Construction of Sewage Conveyance System from North Point to Stonecutters Island
- Client: Gammon Construction Limited
- Value: HK$4.05 billion / US$520 million
About this Project
The project comprised the construction of a 12km long sewage conveyance system from North Point Preliminary Treatment Works to Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works via Wan Chai East Preliminary Treatment Works, Central Preliminary Treatment Works and Sai Ying Pun junction shaft to collect sewage from the urban areas and prevent discharge into the main harbour.

The works included the construction of 140m deep drop shafts, riser shafts and junction shafts; construction of temporary production shafts at North Point, Wan Chai East and Stonecutters Island to provide access for the construction of the sewage conveyance system; and construction of connection channels, pipes, chambers and tunnels connecting the proposed drop shafts/riser shafts to the facilities of the preliminary treatment works / sewage treatment works. CDC provided programme, delay and EOT advice to the Contractor during the progress of the works.

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