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I-405 Improvement, Orange County, California

  • Client: Astaldi / Lane Construction Corporation
  • Value: HK$9.3 billion / US$1.2 billion

About this Project

The San Diego Freeway (I-405) is one of the most congested freeways in Orange County, carrying more than 300,000 vehicle trips in some sections each day. The I-405 Improvement Project increased freeway capacity, improved traffic and interchange operations, and enhanced road safety to meet state and federal standards.

The I-405 Improvement Project covered 16 miles of the I-405 between State Route 73 (SR-73) and Interstate 605 (I-605) and added one regular lane in each direction from Euclid Street to I-605, as well as improving freeway entrances, exits and bridges. The project also included the construction of the 405 Express Lanes incorporating the existing carpool lanes and consisting of two lanes in each direction from SR-73 to I-605.

CDC undertook an independent review of expected claim revenue on the project. This involved reviewing claim documentation and cost information and verifying the estimated recovery in line with the contract terms.

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