Hong Kong Macau Zhuhai Bridge
- Client: Leighton Chun Wo Joint Venture
- Value: HK$8.04 billion / US$1.03 billion
About this Project
The Hong Kong Macau Zhuhai Bridge project is a 55km long bridge and tunnel system across the Pearl River Estuary. The Hong Kong Passenger Crossing Boundary Facility is situated on a reclaimed island on the north coast of Lantau.
The project consisted of the construction of a 90,000 m2 passenger and vehicle clearance building including the piled foundations as well as the associated infrastructure which comprised an elevated drop-off deck; footbridges; a large discharge box culvert and district seawater cooling system and mains. The Contractor was also responsible for the supply and installation of the AWBF and MEP provisions within the building.
CDC were appointed as contract advisors to the Joint Venture and provided contractual claims and management advice throughout the duration of the project. Services provided by CDC included:
- Setting up the claims administration and management systems at project commencement and implementing them throughout the duration of the project.
- Producing correspondence and detailed documents in support of the Contractor’s extensions of time and additional payment entitlements in respect of the foundations works; ELS works; superstructure works; ABWF and MEP works.
- Providing contractual support in respect of sub-contract commercial issues throughout the duration of the project.
- Providing input into negotiations for several supplemental agreements through the course of the project.
- Supporting the Joint Venture in the preparations for dispute proceedings, including researching issues of principle for the variation account, preparation of senior management witness statements, and formulation of dispute strategy.
- Preparing and presenting various issues to the Dispute Resolution Advisor.

Passenger Crossing Boundary Facility, Hong Kong Macau Zhuhai Bridge
In addition to the main building, LCWJV were also awarded a second package of work. This project consisted of the construction of 14 Nos buildings on the Hong Kong Border Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) Island. These buildings are required by the various Government Departments for the operation of the public and commercial road traffic which uses the Hong Kong Macau Zhuhai Bridge. The Contractor was responsible for the construction of the raft foundations, superstructure and the ABWF and MEP fit-out of all the buildings. CDC were appointed as contract advisors to the Joint Venture and provided similar services as the main contract.
CDC produced the correspondence and detailed documents in support of the Contractor’s extensions of time and additional payment entitlements in respect of the foundations works; ELS works; superstructure works; ABWF and MEP works.
CDC provided contractual support in respect of sub-contract commercial issues throughout the duration of the project
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